The Original Water-Based Cleaning System
Rexair LLC, based in Troy, Michigan, has manufactured the Rainbow Cleaning System for more than 80 years. Its legendary, water-based filtration system has made the Rainbow known the world over. Today, the Rainbow Cleaning System is sold and enjoyed in over 70 countries around the world.
In the Beginning
The original idea for a bagless vacuum cleaner was born in the 1920s. John W. Newcombe invented the “separator” — a device that was designed to separate dust and particulates from the air. Leslie H. Green saw true potential in this invention and joined forces with Newcombe to develop the “Newcombe Bagless.”
In 1929, Green formed a new corporation named Rexair, meaning “King of the Air.” While the nation was in the throes of the Great Depression, the Rexair Company began producing, refining and marketing the Rexair Cleaner.
Interest in the Rexair GrowsIn 1936, T. Russ Hill joined Rexair. Inspired by street cleaners in Kentucky, Hill came up with the idea of incorporating water into the Rexair design, trapping dust and dirt. This innovation made the Rexair a unique and exclusive product. Rexair developed a new slogan: “Wet Dust Can’t Fly!™”
By the late 1930s, the Rexair was being hailed as more than just a vacuum cleaner. The Rexair’s ability to eliminate airborne dust in the home made life easier for allergy and hay fever sufferers, and soon medical professionals recognized it as a breakthrough product.
The War Years
As America entered World War II, Rexair had grown considerably. In 1941, Rexair merged with the Martin-Parry Corporation of Toledo, Ohio, providing Rexair with greatly expanded manufacturing capabilities.
During the war, Rexair and Martin-Parry were instrumental in supporting the war effort in the production of radar cases, rocket launchers and ship partitions and linings.
When the war ended, Rexair was in a perfect position for the post-war economic boom. The company was solidly established, and soon Rexair would become a household word.
Opportunity Flourishes
In 1948, sales of the Rexair Cleaner were beginning to skyrocket. This was partly due to a young salesman from Owensboro, Kentucky. J.V. Sanders — better known as “Sandy” — saw a demonstration of the Rexair and came to Detroit, Michigan determined to become “the best salesman the company ever had.”
He became that and more, helping Rexair to grow and prosper. “Sandy” epitomized the opportunity that Rexair provided, and in 1953 became one of five Regional Managers in Rexair’s newly aligned national sales organization.
The Birth of the Rainbow
1955 brought about a dramatically improved Rexair Cleaner. With a sleek, streamlined design and a motor twice as powerful as its predecessor, Rexair executives decided to rechristen it the “Rainbow.”
Rexair’s growth was enormous, the result of a great product, the hard work and commitment of its dealers and Regional Managers and the dedication and vision provided by its executive staff.
Rexair Realigns for the Future
The February 1959 issue of Rexevents magazine announced the news — “BIG DREAMS COME TRUE — Sanders and Associates Purchase Rexair.” J.V. Sanders was now in control of Rexair, and his first order of business was to fully develop the “Rainbow Opportunity.”
Rainbow’s Distributors now had the opportunity to be independent business owners, and Rainbow Dealers, Managers and Distributors could more directly reach personal goals of success, security and financial reward.
Commitment to Continuous Improvement
In 1969, Rexair unveiled its new 100,000 square foot manufacturing facility in Cadillac, Michigan. As a result of Rexair’s commitment to continuous product improvement, the Rainbow evolved, and an array of sophisticated product enhancements were designed – new attachments, the Power Nozzle and AquaMate, among others.
The new Rainbow D3 was launched in 1980, the first major model change in twenty years. With a new, cooler-running motor, the D3 was the first Rainbow approved for “wet pick-up.”
Rainbows Around the World
As far back as 1947, Rexair had branch locations in Canada, Cuba and Mexico. But it wasn’t until the 1980s that International Rainbow sales really took off. Rexair developed an international sales and distribution network, and the Rainbow was modified to meet the specific demands of countries around the world.
In 1986, Rexair celebrated its Golden Anniversary by launching its newest Rainbow, the D4. The result of five years of planning, engineering and testing, the new Rainbow was considered by J.V. Sanders to be “the best Cleaning System on the face of the earth.”
Poised for Future Greatness
In 2001, Paul Vidovich took charge of Rexair, as President and CEO, and in 2002, he also assumed the responsibilities of Chairman.
Paul began his career in the business in 1971. He rose through the ranks with numerous successes in the direct selling business. His outstanding leadership skills and knowledge of the company has led Rexair to exceptionally high levels of achievement in the U.S. and many International Markets.
The Latest Evolution of a Truly Revolutionary Product
2011 brought the newest incarnation of the Rainbow. The result of intensive planning, research and enormous financial resources, the new Rainbow provides levels of power and cleaning unequalled in the home cleaning universe.
Today, Rexair LLC is stronger than ever. With a vibrant and growing international sales network, a state-of-the-art manufacturing and technology center and a dedicated and committed leadership team, Rexair is positioned for future success for the company and for each Dealer and Distributor in the worldwide Rainbow family.